Odds of Powerball or Mega Millions Jackpot Winner Based on Number of Tickets Played
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Ion Saliu
2021-10-07 11:38:37 UTC
This question arises every time the jackpots reach dizzying heights.

“What are the odds that at least one ticket will win the Powerball jackpot based on the amount of prize money, sales, or number of tickets sold?”

There are accurate answers based on three mathematical methods.

1) If a number of tickets N were sold over several drawings, what is the degree of certainty (commonly known as chance) that at least one ticket will hold the jackpot (the winning combination)?

2) If a number of tickets N were sold in this particular draw, what is the degree of certainty that at least one ticket will hold the jackpot (the winning combination)?

3) In the case of rollovers, we know the number of tickets N sold in each drawing. We can calculate the average degree of certainty or chance. Then, we can apply the probability of at least one success in a number of trials (draws).

I go with method 3, although it leads to a result very close to the calculation of method 1.

You can see the in-depth analysis and make an educated decision:

• https://saliu.com/powerball-jackpot-odds.html
Dennis Calafati
2021-10-29 09:13:17 UTC
Post by Ion Saliu
This question arises every time the jackpots reach dizzying heights.
“What are the odds that at least one ticket will win the Powerball jackpot based on the amount of prize money, sales, or number of tickets sold?”
There are accurate answers based on three mathematical methods.
1) If a number of tickets N were sold over several drawings, what is the degree of certainty (commonly known as chance) that at least one ticket will hold the jackpot (the winning combination)?
2) If a number of tickets N were sold in this particular draw, what is the degree of certainty that at least one ticket will hold the jackpot (the winning combination)?
3) In the case of rollovers, we know the number of tickets N sold in each drawing. We can calculate the average degree of certainty or chance. Then, we can apply the probability of at least one success in a number of trials (draws).
I go with method 3, although it leads to a result very close to the calculation of method 1.
• https://saliu.com/powerball-jackpot-odds.html
Dennis Calafati
2021-10-29 09:13:37 UTC
Post by Ion Saliu
This question arises every time the jackpots reach dizzying heights.
“What are the odds that at least one ticket will win the Powerball jackpot based on the amount of prize money, sales, or number of tickets sold?”
There are accurate answers based on three mathematical methods.
1) If a number of tickets N were sold over several drawings, what is the degree of certainty (commonly known as chance) that at least one ticket will hold the jackpot (the winning combination)?
2) If a number of tickets N were sold in this particular draw, what is the degree of certainty that at least one ticket will hold the jackpot (the winning combination)?
3) In the case of rollovers, we know the number of tickets N sold in each drawing. We can calculate the average degree of certainty or chance. Then, we can apply the probability of at least one success in a number of trials (draws).
I go with method 3, although it leads to a result very close to the calculation of method 1.
• https://saliu.com/powerball-jackpot-odds.html
Ion Saliu
2021-11-26 09:38:22 UTC
The first notable landmark has been reached: 100 views! Many happy returns!

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• https://saliu.com/axiomatic.html
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Ion Saliu
2023-04-12 11:11:06 UTC
Post by Ion Saliu
This question arises every time the jackpots reach dizzying heights.
“What are the odds that at least one ticket will win the Powerball jackpot based on the amount of prize money, sales, or number of tickets sold?”
There are accurate answers based on three mathematical methods.
1) If a number of tickets N were sold over several drawings, what is the degree of certainty (commonly known as chance) that at least one ticket will hold the jackpot (the winning combination)?
2) If a number of tickets N were sold in this particular draw, what is the degree of certainty that at least one ticket will hold the jackpot (the winning combination)?
3) In the case of rollovers, we know the number of tickets N sold in each drawing. We can calculate the average degree of certainty or chance. Then, we can apply the probability of at least one success in a number of trials (draws).
I go with method 3, although it leads to a result very close to the calculation of method 1.
• https://saliu.com/powerball-jackpot-odds.html
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