Skips in Lottery, Lotto: Strategy, Systems, Systems, Software
(too old to reply)
2017-06-20 18:59:51 UTC
The skips are highly prized tools in the toolsets of all lottery players. The lotto skips have been around since the inception of system-based lottery play.

The first incarnation of software to handle specifically the skips is represented by Ion Saliu’s software (royalty-name: Parpaluck). He first announced the feast right in this newsgroup, in the year of grace 2002:

Another thread in this glorious group deals with another pioneer in research and development in lottery skips:

All skip systems out there will never hit '6 of 6' — if applied from draw to draw. It might hit '3 of 6' now and then — but that's not nearly enough. Such skips system might win '6 of 6' if played unchanged for dozens of consecutive lotto drawings. It is what I call 'cycle of fruition'.

Parpaluck came up with the most efficient lotto skip systems by applying the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG). The key parameter is the Degree of Certainty DC. Creating systems based on skips equal to or under DC = 75% increases the frequency of jackpot wins dramatically.

Lottery strategies based on low skips, or missed draws between hits, or gaps between wins, increase the chance of winning lotto jackpots by orders of magnitude: around 15% jackpots. Meanwhile, none of the 1000 lottery drawings analyzed in Pennsylvania Lottery had all skips in double digits. In the majority of cases, there are no more than 3 or 4 skips in double digits per draw. Evidently, not all lottery numbers are created equal!

A serious problem with all lotto skip systems is the large amount of combinations to play. But there is good news. The raw output file generated by a skip lottery system contains many unnecessary combinations. For example, it is very unlikely that all skips will be equal to 1; or all equal to 2; or the skip string will be 1 1 1 2 2 2; or the skips will be 1 2 3 4 5 6 or 6 5 4 3 2 1; etc.

You get the point. The combosnations (a favorite lotto-speak term of mine!) generated by such skip configurations represent wasted tickets. We need additionally filters to thin the skip-system output files. Again, at this point in history, only Parpaluck’s software is capable of such task. Read the latest in dramatically improving the efficiency of lottery systems based on skips:
(Skips Systems Software for Lottery, Lotto, Gambling, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions)

See the real-life report in the Pennsylvania Lottery, skips in the 6/49 lotto game:
(Low Lottery Skips Dramatically Increase Chance to Win Lotto Jackpot)

Peace and good fortune be with you!

Ion Saliu
Founder of Lottery Mathematics
Founder of Lotto Software Science
2017-06-22 16:50:06 UTC
Very important: The LotWon lottery software is the only one capable of calculating the skips POSITION BY POSITION (VERTICALLY).

The positional skips strategies will win the jackpot significantly more often — when applied from drawing to drawing. Granted, they will generate more combinations. But, then again, all skip systems generate far too many unnecessary combinations to play.

We must apply more reduction techniques to blow away the waste. Here is one very interesting strategy.

The ‘Top 24’ or ‘Hot 24’ lottery numbers rarely will register 4 winners if applied from draw to draw. Therefore we can safely apply the ID5 filter in the ‘LIE Elimination’ function.

The ‘Bottom 24’ or ‘Cold 24’ numbers rarely will register 3 winners if applied from draw to draw. Therefore we can safely apply the ‘ID4’ filter in the ‘LIE Elimination’ function.

There is also a real-life report of POSITIONAL SKIPS in the 649 lotto game of Pennsylvania Lottery:

(Lotto Skips Sorted by Position)
Marmaduke Jinks
2017-06-22 17:42:04 UTC
<***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:852fe4a0-4835-460a-b847-***@googlegroups.com...
Very important: The LotWon lottery software is the only one capable of
calculating the skips POSITION BY POSITION (VERTICALLY).

The positional skips strategies will win the jackpot significantly more
often - when applied from drawing to drawing. Granted, they will generate
more combinations. But, then again, all skip systems generate far too many
unnecessary combinations to play.

We must apply more reduction techniques to blow away the waste. Here is one
very interesting strategy.

The 'Top 24' or 'Hot 24' lottery numbers rarely will register 4 winners if
applied from draw to draw. Therefore we can safely apply the ID5 filter in
the 'LIE Elimination' function.

The 'Bottom 24' or 'Cold 24' numbers rarely will register 3 winners if
applied from draw to draw. Therefore we can safely apply the 'ID4' filter in
the 'LIE Elimination' function.

There is also a real-life report of POSITIONAL SKIPS in the 649 lotto game
of Pennsylvania Lottery:

(Lotto Skips Sorted by Position)


So would you like to suggest some numbers for the 6/59 UK Lotto? Oh please

2017-06-22 23:38:50 UTC
Post by Marmaduke Jinks
So would you like to suggest some numbers for the 6/59 UK Lotto? Oh please
WHAT??? You asking the toolmaker to do your work? Like you asking the Microsoft Word team to write your ‘Moby Dick’ for you?

Marmaduke Jinks
2017-06-23 09:32:21 UTC
<***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:a98b1fc3-4629-4c17-8781-***@googlegroups.com...
On Thursday, June 22, 2017 at 1:43:38 PM UTC-4, Martsopolleahk (aka
Post by Marmaduke Jinks
So would you like to suggest some numbers for the 6/59 UK Lotto? Oh please
WHAT??? You asking the toolmaker to do your work? Like you asking the
Microsoft Word team to write your 'Moby Dick' for you?



Case closed. Move away now. Nothing to see here.

2017-06-23 11:49:58 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Very important: The LotWon lottery software is the only one capable of
calculating the skips POSITION BY POSITION (VERTICALLY).
The positional skips strategies will win the jackpot significantly more
often - when applied from drawing to drawing. Granted, they will generate
more combinations. But, then again, all skip systems generate far too many
unnecessary combinations to play.
We must apply more reduction techniques to blow away the waste. Here is one
very interesting strategy.
The 'Top 24' or 'Hot 24' lottery numbers rarely will register 4 winners if
applied from draw to draw. Therefore we can safely apply the ID5 filter in
the 'LIE Elimination' function.
The 'Bottom 24' or 'Cold 24' numbers rarely will register 3 winners if
applied from draw to draw. Therefore we can safely apply the 'ID4' filter in
the 'LIE Elimination' function.
There is also a real-life report of POSITIONAL SKIPS in the 649 lotto game
(Lotto Skips Sorted by Position)
So would you like to suggest some numbers for the 6/59 UK Lotto? Oh please
I waiting for him to progress beyond these ineffective systems and
invent the system I currently use against bookies. I'm confident he'll
get there eventually because he's the first to think up every original
lottery concept.

Evil Nigel

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2017-06-23 14:53:36 UTC
On Friday, June 23, 2017 at 7:48:10 AM UTC-4, Doollow (aka nigel) wrote:

“ineffective systems”

You don’t grasp the dialectic of lottery strategizing, especially the ‘reversed strategy’.

NON(ineffective) = EFFECTIVE

(Lotto, Lottery Strategy in Reverse: Not-to-Win Leads to Not-to-Lose or WIN)
2017-06-24 10:13:34 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
“ineffective systems”
You don’t grasp the dialectic of lottery strategizing, especially the ‘reversed strategy’.
NON(ineffective) = EFFECTIVE
So you take the top predictions of your skips strategy and ignore them,
choosing your numbers from the remainder?

Evil Nigel

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2017-06-26 17:50:57 UTC
Post by nigel
So you take the top predictions of your skips strategy and ignore them,
choosing your numbers from the remainder?

This time I take your word at its face value. Many lottery players don’t grasp the ‘reverse lottery strategy’ concept. More in-depth study is required from everybody, starting with the dedicated Web page:

(Lotto, Lottery Strategy in Reverse: Not-to-Win Leads to Not-to-Lose or WIN)

The ‘reversed lottery strategy’ is not about discarding of numbers; it is about eliminating combinations.

You create a skip system with a good winning frequency. On the page dedicated to the lottery skips, I analyzed a system for the skip equivalent to degree of certainty equal to 75%. Actually, it was a system based on skips in single digits only (0 to 9).

The system hits around 15 times in 100 drawings in the 649 lotto. The system consisted of 31 numbers which generate a total of 736281 combosnations (a favorite term of mine in lottery-speak):

(Skips Systems Software for Lottery, Lotto, Gambling, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions)

Next, I apply the ‘LIE elimination’ (‘strategy in reverse’) to that pool of combinations. I create another pool of numbers based on Gail-Howard-type skip system. The system I created consisted of 24 numbers. I placed the remaining 25 numbers in another pool. I also created a pool of 24 numbers with the highest frequency. I also created a pool of 25 numbers with the lowest frequency.

I generated (software: SkipSystem) combinations for each pool of numbers. Then, I concatenated the 4 files in one LIE file. Some 623K combinations in total.

You saw in your (in)famous Lottery World Cup that a pool of 24 numbers hits 3 of 6 winners more often than not. So, chances are good that none of 623K combinations will hit ‘4 of 6’ winners in the next drawing. In fact, each of the 4 pools of numbers had ‘3 of 6’ winners.

I ran a combination generator in the Bright / Ultimate software packages. I enabled the ‘LIE elimination’ function (must press Y for Yes at the prompt). I enabled the ID4 filter (‘eliminate all 4-number groups in the LIE file’). Theoretically, no combination should be generated. Groups of 4 numbers in just 1033 combinations should eliminate all `14 million combinations in the 6/49 lotto set. But in our case, there are many overlapping 4-number groups.

I couldn’t finish the run in some 10 hours. My computer is pretty fast, but I still lost my patience. This is the problem with 6-number lotto games and tough lottery filters like ‘LIE elimination’: Patience runs thin. Many lottery players and software users lose their patience and abandon the strategy. By contrast, it only takes an hour to complete all tasks in the pick (digit) lotteries.

That’s why we need to work with a restrained amount of combinations. We start with the 736281 combinations generated by the 31-number skip system. We know the system has a very good frequency (around 15 times in 100 draws).

We apply another function of the combination generators in the Bright / Ultimate software packages: ‘Purge’. We eliminate combinations from the 736281-combo file, instead of generating ~14 million combos and checking each and every one against a number of filters.

We still enable the ‘LIE elimination’ function. Now we enable a filter that’s less tight: ID5. The degree of certainty is very high that none of the 4 pools of numbers (24, 25, 24, 25) will hit ‘5 of 6’ winners in the next drawing.

Gain, those 623K combinations in the LIE file should eliminate every combination found in the file we purge. It only takes 54201 combinations to have all ‘5 of 6’ groups in 6-49 lotto. But since many groups overlap, we will get a few combinations remaining in play.

You can add many more combinations to the LIE file. Just a few examples. You will notice that the same strings of odd/even, low/high, increase/decrease to do not repeat from draw to draw. The decades and last-digits do not repeat either. The skips do not repeat from drawing to drawing. The same about deltas; etc.

All those combinations that fall in a LIE file represent waste. They will not hit in the very next draw and they should not be played. You can add all those hundreds of combinations you posted in this newsgroup over the years. I betcha they won’t hit ‘3 of 6’ often. Apply the LIE ID3 filter and get rid of millions of wasted combosnations!

If patience is an issue (especially because of a slow PC), generate random combinations instead. And instead of playing one or very few combinations every drawing, select 100 combos and play every 10 drawings or so.

That’s how you apply the lottery skip strategy in conjunction with the ‘lottery strategy in reverse’. And always go to the Parpaluck site for the best information.
Marmaduke Jinks
2017-06-30 12:36:50 UTC
Post by nigel
So you take the top predictions of your skips strategy and ignore them,
choosing your numbers from the remainder?

This time I take your word at its face value. Many lottery players don't
grasp the 'reverse lottery strategy' concept. More in-depth study is
required from everybody, starting with the dedicated Web page:

(Lotto, Lottery Strategy in Reverse: Not-to-Win Leads to Not-to-Lose or WIN)

The 'reversed lottery strategy' is not about discarding of numbers; it is
about eliminating combinations.

You create a skip system with a good winning frequency. On the page
dedicated to the lottery skips, I analyzed a system for the skip equivalent
to degree of certainty equal to 75%. Actually, it was a system based on
skips in single digits only (0 to 9).

The system hits around 15 times in 100 drawings in the 649 lotto. The system
consisted of 31 numbers which generate a total of 736281 combosnations (a
favorite term of mine in lottery-speak):

(Skips Systems Software for Lottery, Lotto, Gambling, Powerball, Mega
Millions, Euromillions)

Next, I apply the 'LIE elimination' ('strategy in reverse') to that pool of
combinations. I create another pool of numbers based on Gail-Howard-type
skip system. The system I created consisted of 24 numbers. I placed the
remaining 25 numbers in another pool. I also created a pool of 24 numbers
with the highest frequency. I also created a pool of 25 numbers with the
lowest frequency.

I generated (software: SkipSystem) combinations for each pool of numbers.
Then, I concatenated the 4 files in one LIE file. Some 623K combinations in

You saw in your (in)famous Lottery World Cup that a pool of 24 numbers hits
3 of 6 winners more often than not. So, chances are good that none of 623K
combinations will hit '4 of 6' winners in the next drawing. In fact, each of
the 4 pools of numbers had '3 of 6' winners.

I ran a combination generator in the Bright / Ultimate software packages. I
enabled the 'LIE elimination' function (must press Y for Yes at the prompt).
I enabled the ID4 filter ('eliminate all 4-number groups in the LIE file').
Theoretically, no combination should be generated. Groups of 4 numbers in
just 1033 combinations should eliminate all `14 million combinations in the
6/49 lotto set. But in our case, there are many overlapping 4-number groups.

I couldn't finish the run in some 10 hours. My computer is pretty fast, but
I still lost my patience. This is the problem with 6-number lotto games and
tough lottery filters like 'LIE elimination': Patience runs thin. Many
lottery players and software users lose their patience and abandon the
strategy. By contrast, it only takes an hour to complete all tasks in the
pick (digit) lotteries.

That's why we need to work with a restrained amount of combinations. We
start with the 736281 combinations generated by the 31-number skip system.
We know the system has a very good frequency (around 15 times in 100 draws).

We apply another function of the combination generators in the Bright /
Ultimate software packages: 'Purge'. We eliminate combinations from the
736281-combo file, instead of generating ~14 million combos and checking
each and every one against a number of filters.

We still enable the 'LIE elimination' function. Now we enable a filter that's
less tight: ID5. The degree of certainty is very high that none of the 4
pools of numbers (24, 25, 24, 25) will hit '5 of 6' winners in the next

Gain, those 623K combinations in the LIE file should eliminate every
combination found in the file we purge. It only takes 54201 combinations to
have all '5 of 6' groups in 6-49 lotto. But since many groups overlap, we
will get a few combinations remaining in play.

You can add many more combinations to the LIE file. Just a few examples. You
will notice that the same strings of odd/even, low/high, increase/decrease
to do not repeat from draw to draw. The decades and last-digits do not
repeat either. The skips do not repeat from drawing to drawing. The same
about deltas; etc.

All those combinations that fall in a LIE file represent waste. They will
not hit in the very next draw and they should not be played. You can add all
those hundreds of combinations you posted in this newsgroup over the years.
I betcha they won't hit '3 of 6' often. Apply the LIE ID3 filter and get rid
of millions of wasted combosnations!

If patience is an issue (especially because of a slow PC), generate random
combinations instead. And instead of playing one or very few combinations
every drawing, select 100 combos and play every 10 drawings or so.

That's how you apply the lottery skip strategy in conjunction with the
'lottery strategy in reverse'. And always go to the Parpaluck site for the
best information.
well that makes sense ;-)

2017-06-30 16:15:00 UTC
Post by Marmaduke Jinks
well that makes sense ;-)
Martsopolleahk (aka MJ)
Martsopolleahk , Doollow et al.:

It makes sense… and then some! This is a mathematical LAW: Before every lottery draw, there is a huge amount of combosnations that will not hit next. Undoubtedly, there is no absolute certainty in the Universe. But the aforementioned mathematical law has a very high degree of certainty. We can identify a large amount of lottery combinations that must be discarded of from draw to draw.

You, the seasoned predictors of this community, can help yourselves a great deal. Simply bet against your skip/frequency predictions — you’ll be right most of the time. Take all those 24-number strings posted here. They represent your predictions before the next lotto drawing. Just copy and paste the 24-number strings predicted by the most formidable posters in this hou’ of cards:

• Kobzorock (aka Rich)
• Doollow (aka Nigel)
• Strumelleahg (aka NN)
• Martsopolleahk (aka MJ).

Chances are grand that none of their primary 24-number strings will hit ‘5 of 6’ the next draw. Furthermore, make strings from the remaining lotto numbers (35 numbers in 659 lotto). Chances are even higher that the secondary 35-number strings will NOT hit ‘5 of 6’ the next drawing.

Let SkipSystem.EXE generate combosnations from each of the 8 strings (pools) of numbers. Concatenate the 8 files in one big LIE file. Apply the ID5 filter in the ‘LIE elimination’ function of the ‘Ultimate Lottery Software’.

Yes, the lottery strategy above is demanding on older, slower computers. It works faster in ‘random mode generation’. Let the program run overnite. Select combos from the end of the run.

The software selects lotto combinations from a significantly reduced field of combinations. The combosnations left out have a negligible chance of hitting the jackpot, or just ‘5 of 6’ winners. If 1000 lotto players apply this strategy, it is virtually guaranteed that at least one jackpot will be won — every lottery drawing.

The method shows me very encouraging results in real-life — although I haven’t hit a jackpot… yet. I don’t play all possible combinations remaining in play…

Ion Saliu (royalty-name: Parpaluck)
Founder of Winning Mathematics
Founder of Lottery Programming Science

(The Best Strategies: Lottery, Gambling, Sports Betting, Horse Racing, Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, Craps)
Marmaduke Jinks
2017-06-30 19:28:45 UTC
<***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:0b824db7-5e99-48bd-816c-***@googlegroups.com...
On Friday, June 30, 2017 at 8:35:40 AM UTC-4, Martsopolleahk (aka Marmaduke
Post by Marmaduke Jinks
well that makes sense ;-)
Martsopolleahk (aka MJ)
Martsopolleahk , Doollow et al.:

It makes sense. and then some! This is a mathematical LAW: Before every
lottery draw, there is a huge amount of combosnations that will not hit
next. Undoubtedly, there is no absolute certainty in the Universe. But the
aforementioned mathematical law has a very high degree of certainty. We can
identify a large amount of lottery combinations that must be discarded of
from draw to draw.

You, the seasoned predictors of this community, can help yourselves a great
deal. Simply bet against your skip/frequency predictions - you'll be right
most of the time. Take all those 24-number strings posted here. They
represent your predictions before the next lotto drawing. Just copy and
paste the 24-number strings predicted by the most formidable posters in this
hou' of cards:

. Kobzorock (aka Rich)
. Doollow (aka Nigel)
. Strumelleahg (aka NN)
. Martsopolleahk (aka MJ).

Chances are grand that none of their primary 24-number strings will hit '5
of 6' the next draw. Furthermore, make strings from the remaining lotto
numbers (35 numbers in 659 lotto). Chances are even higher that the
secondary 35-number strings will NOT hit '5 of 6' the next drawing.

Let SkipSystem.EXE generate combosnations from each of the 8 strings (pools)
of numbers. Concatenate the 8 files in one big LIE file. Apply the ID5
filter in the 'LIE elimination' function of the 'Ultimate Lottery Software'.

Yes, the lottery strategy above is demanding on older, slower computers. It
works faster in 'random mode generation'. Let the program run overnite.
Select combos from the end of the run.

The software selects lotto combinations from a significantly reduced field
of combinations. The combosnations left out have a negligible chance of
hitting the jackpot, or just '5 of 6' winners. If 1000 lotto players apply
this strategy, it is virtually guaranteed that at least one jackpot will be
won - every lottery drawing.

The method shows me very encouraging results in real-life - although I haven't
hit a jackpot. yet. I don't play all possible combinations remaining in

Ion Saliu (royalty-name: Parpaluck)
Founder of Winning Mathematics
Founder of Lottery Programming Science

(The Best Strategies: Lottery, Gambling, Sports Betting, Horse Racing,
Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, Craps)


I came to realise a while ago, after tracking expected skips, that they are
not that reliable. Cold and warm numbers from the last 18 drawings have a
better ratio. 18 being the Gail Howard "what number shall we choose for
cold, warm" etc.

If I was using skips then I would split my grid and have them in one of the
streams and say cold/warm in the other stream.

2017-07-24 23:40:38 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Post by nigel
So you take the top predictions of your skips strategy and ignore them,
choosing your numbers from the remainder?
(Lotto, Lottery Strategy in Reverse: Not-to-Win Leads to Not-to-Lose or WIN)
The ‘reversed lottery strategy’ is not about discarding of numbers; it is about eliminating combinations.
You create a skip system with a good winning frequency. On the page dedicated to the lottery skips, I analyzed a system for the skip equivalent to degree of certainty equal to 75%. Actually, it was a system based on skips in single digits only (0 to 9).
(Skips Systems Software for Lottery, Lotto, Gambling, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions)
Next, I apply the ‘LIE elimination’ (‘strategy in reverse’) to that pool of combinations. I create another pool of numbers based on Gail-Howard-type skip system. The system I created consisted of 24 numbers. I placed the remaining 25 numbers in another pool. I also created a pool of 24 numbers with the highest frequency. I also created a pool of 25 numbers with the lowest frequency.
I generated (software: SkipSystem) combinations for each pool of numbers. Then, I concatenated the 4 files in one LIE file. Some 623K combinations in total.
You saw in your (in)famous Lottery World Cup that a pool of 24 numbers hits 3 of 6 winners more often than not. So, chances are good that none of 623K combinations will hit ‘4 of 6’ winners in the next drawing. In fact, each of the 4 pools of numbers had ‘3 of 6’ winners.
I ran a combination generator in the Bright / Ultimate software packages. I enabled the ‘LIE elimination’ function (must press Y for Yes at the prompt). I enabled the ID4 filter (‘eliminate all 4-number groups in the LIE file’). Theoretically, no combination should be generated. Groups of 4 numbers in just 1033 combinations should eliminate all `14 million combinations in the 6/49 lotto set. But in our case, there are many overlapping 4-number groups.
I couldn’t finish the run in some 10 hours. My computer is pretty fast, but I still lost my patience. This is the problem with 6-number lotto games and tough lottery filters like ‘LIE elimination’: Patience runs thin. Many lottery players and software users lose their patience and abandon the strategy. By contrast, it only takes an hour to complete all tasks in the pick (digit) lotteries.
That’s why we need to work with a restrained amount of combinations. We start with the 736281 combinations generated by the 31-number skip system. We know the system has a very good frequency (around 15 times in 100 draws).
We apply another function of the combination generators in the Bright / Ultimate software packages: ‘Purge’. We eliminate combinations from the 736281-combo file, instead of generating ~14 million combos and checking each and every one against a number of filters.
We still enable the ‘LIE elimination’ function. Now we enable a filter that’s less tight: ID5. The degree of certainty is very high that none of the 4 pools of numbers (24, 25, 24, 25) will hit ‘5 of 6’ winners in the next drawing.
Gain, those 623K combinations in the LIE file should eliminate every combination found in the file we purge. It only takes 54201 combinations to have all ‘5 of 6’ groups in 6-49 lotto. But since many groups overlap, we will get a few combinations remaining in play.
You can add many more combinations to the LIE file. Just a few examples. You will notice that the same strings of odd/even, low/high, increase/decrease to do not repeat from draw to draw. The decades and last-digits do not repeat either. The skips do not repeat from drawing to drawing. The same about deltas; etc.
All those combinations that fall in a LIE file represent waste. They will not hit in the very next draw and they should not be played. You can add all those hundreds of combinations you posted in this newsgroup over the years. I betcha they won’t hit ‘3 of 6’ often. Apply the LIE ID3 filter and get rid of millions of wasted combosnations!
If patience is an issue (especially because of a slow PC), generate random combinations instead. And instead of playing one or very few combinations every drawing, select 100 combos and play every 10 drawings or so.
That’s how you apply the lottery skip strategy in conjunction with the ‘lottery strategy in reverse’. And always go to the Parpaluck site for the best information.
2017-07-25 15:40:33 UTC
We do not need anyone makes accurate prediction for every drawing. As long as any of them have all winning numbers in 25 numbers, the chance of turning them into limited tickets is highly profitable already.

Ion Saliu
2017-07-26 15:26:01 UTC
Post by Nan
We do not need anyone makes accurate prediction for every drawing. As long as any of them have all winning numbers in 25 numbers, the chance of turning them into limited tickets is highly profitable already.
Pull your head out of that barrel of Baijiu 白酒!
2017-07-26 15:53:39 UTC
Post by Ion Saliu
Post by Nan
We do not need anyone makes accurate prediction for every drawing. As long as any of them have all winning numbers in 25 numbers, the chance of turning them into limited tickets is highly profitable already.
Pull your head out of that barrel of Baijiu 白酒!
Ion Saliu
2017-08-23 20:29:23 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
The skips are highly prized tools in the toolsets of all lottery players. The lotto skips have been around since the inception of system-based lottery play.
All skip systems out there will never hit '6 of 6' — if applied from draw to draw. It might hit '3 of 6' now and then — but that's not nearly enough. Such skips system might win '6 of 6' if played unchanged for dozens of consecutive lotto drawings. It is what I call 'cycle of fruition'.
Parpaluck came up with the most efficient lotto skip systems by applying the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG). The key parameter is the Degree of Certainty DC. Creating systems based on skips equal to or under DC = 75% increases the frequency of jackpot wins dramatically.
Lottery strategies based on low skips, or missed draws between hits, or gaps between wins, increase the chance of winning lotto jackpots by orders of magnitude: around 15% jackpots. Meanwhile, none of the 1000 lottery drawings analyzed in Pennsylvania Lottery had all skips in double digits. In the majority of cases, there are no more than 3 or 4 skips in double digits per draw. Evidently, not all lottery numbers are created equal!
A serious problem with all lotto skip systems is the large amount of combinations to play. But there is good news. The raw output file generated by a skip lottery system contains many unnecessary combinations. For example, it is very unlikely that all skips will be equal to 1; or all equal to 2; or the skip string will be 1 1 1 2 2 2; or the skips will be 1 2 3 4 5 6 or 6 5 4 3 2 1; etc.
(Skips Systems Software for Lottery, Lotto, Gambling, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions)
(Low Lottery Skips Dramatically Increase Chance to Win Lotto Jackpot)
Peace and good fortune be with you!
Ion Saliu
Founder of Lottery Mathematics
Founder of Lotto Software Science
Skippingly Axiomatic Colleagues of Mine:

The traditional skips are good, but not good enough. I say ‘traditional’ in reference to system applied to skips REGARDLESS OF POSITION. These types of skip systems represent a huge waste of resources. They consist of way too many UNNECESSARY lotto combosnations (a lottospeak term of mine, especially applied disparagingly).

On the other hand, the POSITIONAL SKIP SYSTEMS are lean and mean. They have the same success rate (frequency) but with far fewer combinations to play. In a real-life case, the positional skip system was 35 times more efficient than its non-positional counterpart.

The lotto numbers are strongly biased positionally. If a skip system ends up with 25 numbers ‘regardless of position, it generates C(25, 6) = 177100. Problem is, the numbers are treated equally ‘position by position’. Reality shows a huge discrepancy when it comes to position and positional skips.

In this particular case, the POSITIONAL SKIP SYSTEM generated only 5055 combinations. It can make a profit of at least one million units in 100 lottery drawings (one year’s time of continuous play.

No doubt, axiomatix, this is the greatest discovery in lottery mathematics:

(Low Lottery Skips Grandiosely Increase Chance to Win Lotto Jackpot)
2017-08-23 22:14:51 UTC
在 2017年6月21日星期三 UTC+8上午2:59:52,Ion Saliu写道:
Post by i***@gmail.com
The skips are highly prized tools in the toolsets of all lottery players. The lotto skips have been around since the inception of system-based lottery play.
All skip systems out there will never hit '6 of 6' — if applied from draw to draw. It might hit '3 of 6' now and then — but that's not nearly enough. Such skips system might win '6 of 6' if played unchanged for dozens of consecutive lotto drawings. It is what I call 'cycle of fruition'.
Parpaluck came up with the most efficient lotto skip systems by applying the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG). The key parameter is the Degree of Certainty DC. Creating systems based on skips equal to or under DC = 75% increases the frequency of jackpot wins dramatically.
Lottery strategies based on low skips, or missed draws between hits, or gaps between wins, increase the chance of winning lotto jackpots by orders of magnitude: around 15% jackpots. Meanwhile, none of the 1000 lottery drawings analyzed in Pennsylvania Lottery had all skips in double digits. In the majority of cases, there are no more than 3 or 4 skips in double digits per draw. Evidently, not all lottery numbers are created equal!
A serious problem with all lotto skip systems is the large amount of combinations to play. But there is good news. The raw output file generated by a skip lottery system contains many unnecessary combinations. For example, it is very unlikely that all skips will be equal to 1; or all equal to 2; or the skip string will be 1 1 1 2 2 2; or the skips will be 1 2 3 4 5 6 or 6 5 4 3 2 1; etc.
(Skips Systems Software for Lottery, Lotto, Gambling, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions)
(Low Lottery Skips Dramatically Increase Chance to Win Lotto Jackpot)
Peace and good fortune be with you!
Ion Saliu
Founder of Lottery Mathematics
Founder of Lotto Software Science
2017-08-23 22:41:43 UTC
Positional wheels...It has been cracked 10 years ago by me.

I got all of them...but how to filter 24 numbers to 12 numbers without losing winning numbers? "-)

Ion Saliu
2017-08-23 23:54:30 UTC
Post by Nan
Positional wheels...It has been cracked 10 years ago by me.
I got all of them...but how to filter 24 numbers to 12 numbers without losing winning numbers? "-)
Stay the hell out of here, driveling yak 驅動犛牛 !

For how long are the PRC psychiatric honchos going to keep you unleashed? They give you free medical care, something the United States cannot afford to do for its citizens. And I am talking good citizens, good people, not driveling yaks 驅動犛牛 …

You know that other psychotic driveling yaks like Psychosama and Zamzalasheep were extirpated in the end?
2017-08-24 00:35:38 UTC
在 2017年8月24日星期四 UTC+8上午7:54:31,Ion Saliu写道:
Post by Ion Saliu
Post by Nan
Positional wheels...It has been cracked 10 years ago by me.
I got all of them...but how to filter 24 numbers to 12 numbers without losing winning numbers? "-)
Stay the hell out of here, driveling yak 驅動犛牛 !
For how long are the PRC psychiatric honchos going to keep you unleashed? They give you free medical care, something the United States cannot afford to do for its citizens. And I am talking good citizens, good people, not driveling yaks 驅動犛牛 …
You know that other psychotic driveling yaks like Psychosama and Zamzalasheep were extirpated in the end?
As you wish.

Hottest numbers, coldest number, wheelings....those should feed you eough....
2017-08-24 00:38:50 UTC
在 2017年8月24日星期四 UTC+8上午7:54:31,Ion Saliu写道:
Post by Ion Saliu
Post by Nan
Positional wheels...It has been cracked 10 years ago by me.
I got all of them...but how to filter 24 numbers to 12 numbers without losing winning numbers? "-)
Stay the hell out of here, driveling yak 驅動犛牛 !
For how long are the PRC psychiatric honchos going to keep you unleashed? They give you free medical care, something the United States cannot afford to do for its citizens. And I am talking good citizens, good people, not driveling yaks 驅動犛牛 …
You know that other psychotic driveling yaks like Psychosama and Zamzalasheep were extirpated in the end?
The fourth circle is the circle of
Paramountcy, where the traveller is greeted by roars of adulation,
here the intruder is tempted with absolute power over others.

Lock Saliu inside the fourth circle.

This ends.

2017-08-23 22:44:24 UTC
Positional Wheel

C (24-5-4)=64

01 05 09 13 17 21
01 05 10 14 18 22
01 05 11 15 19 23
01 05 12 16 20 24
01 06 09 14 19 24
01 06 10 13 20 23
01 06 11 16 17 22
01 06 12 15 18 21
01 07 09 15 20 22
01 07 10 16 19 21
01 07 11 13 18 24
01 07 12 14 17 23
01 08 09 16 18 23
01 08 10 15 17 24
01 08 11 14 20 21
01 08 12 13 19 22
02 05 09 14 20 23
02 05 10 13 19 24
02 05 11 16 18 21
02 05 12 15 17 22
02 06 09 13 18 22
02 06 10 14 17 21
02 06 11 15 20 24
02 06 12 16 19 23
02 07 09 16 17 24
02 07 10 15 18 23
02 07 11 14 19 22
02 07 12 13 20 21
02 08 09 15 19 21
02 08 10 16 20 22
02 08 11 13 17 23
02 08 12 14 18 24
03 05 09 15 18 24
03 05 10 16 17 23
03 05 11 13 20 22
03 05 12 14 19 21
03 06 09 16 20 21
03 06 10 15 19 22
03 06 11 14 18 23
03 06 12 13 17 24
03 07 09 13 19 23
03 07 10 14 20 24
03 07 11 15 17 21
03 07 12 16 18 22
03 08 09 14 17 22
03 08 10 13 18 21
03 08 11 16 19 24
03 08 12 15 20 23
04 05 09 16 19 22
04 05 10 15 20 21
04 05 11 14 17 24
04 05 12 13 18 23
04 06 09 15 17 23
04 06 10 16 18 24
04 06 11 13 19 21
04 06 12 14 20 22
04 07 09 14 18 21
04 07 10 13 17 22
04 07 11 16 20 23
04 07 12 15 19 24
04 08 09 13 20 24
04 08 10 14 19 23
04 08 11 15 18 22
04 08 12 16 17 21

Nan kedo system
2017-08-24 01:16:15 UTC
Years of failure have left you mentally disturbed.A few hopeful signs begin to make you overjoyed, and never accept others' opinions. All you can do is to bark like a mad dog and wait to be locked in your own palace of Lottery Mathematics.

Keep barking.
Ion Saliu
2017-08-24 15:46:58 UTC
On Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 9:16:17 PM UTC-4, Driveling Yak 驅動犛牛 (aka Nan) wrote:
It ain’t “opinions”, cuckooyak: It is driveling. Madsos like you don’t have “opinions”. They only drivel according to solar cycles. Like werewolves, them yaks escape and rampage clean pastures in years of total solar eclipses.

Skum of two screaming bitches and three krazed dawgs — One without an eye, one without an ear, one without a tail!
2017-08-25 01:01:57 UTC
在 2017年8月24日星期四 UTC+8下午11:46:59,Ion Saliu写道:
Post by Ion Saliu
It ain’t “opinions”, cuckooyak: It is driveling. Madsos like you don’t have “opinions”. They only drivel according to solar cycles. Like werewolves, them yaks escape and rampage clean pastures in years of total solar eclipses.
Skum of two screaming bitches and three krazed dawgs — One without an eye, one without an ear, one without a tail!
I dont give a damn about what you say. You are a complete failure in lottery prediction. Go play yourself. My time is valuable. byebye
2017-08-25 16:48:52 UTC
Post by Nan
在 2017年8月24日星期四 UTC+8下午11:46:59,Ion Saliu写道:
Post by Ion Saliu
It ain’t “opinions”, cuckooyak: It is driveling. Madsos like you don’t have “opinions”. They only drivel according to solar cycles. Like werewolves, them yaks escape and rampage clean pastures in years of total solar eclipses.
Skum of two screaming bitches and three krazed dawgs — One without an eye, one without an ear, one without a tail!
I dont give a damn about what you say. You are a complete failure in lottery prediction. Go play yourself. My time is valuable. byebye
“ My time is valuable. byebye”

Driveling Yak 驅動犛牛 (aka Nan)

What time? Zombies ain’t got no time. The PRC psychiatric honchos throw you back in the madhouse after a total eclipse. They’ll release you again in 18 months, when another total eclipse will occur somewhere in the world. That’s your pattern in lottery newsgroups and forums.

You are begging me for mercy now. Just jump back in that hole! Your cycle will end in the same place as Psychosama and Zamzalasheep — the iGraveyard of iPsychosis…
2017-08-25 22:32:13 UTC
在 2017年8月26日星期六 UTC+8上午12:48:53,Parpaluck写道:
Post by Parpaluck
Post by Nan
在 2017年8月24日星期四 UTC+8下午11:46:59,Ion Saliu写道:
Post by Ion Saliu
It ain’t “opinions”, cuckooyak: It is driveling. Madsos like you don’t have “opinions”. They only drivel according to solar cycles. Like werewolves, them yaks escape and rampage clean pastures in years of total solar eclipses.
Skum of two screaming bitches and three krazed dawgs — One without an eye, one without an ear, one without a tail!
I dont give a damn about what you say. You are a complete failure in lottery prediction. Go play yourself. My time is valuable. byebye
“ My time is valuable. byebye”
Driveling Yak 驅動犛牛 (aka Nan)
What time? Zombies ain’t got no time. The PRC psychiatric honchos throw you back in the madhouse after a total eclipse. They’ll release you again in 18 months, when another total eclipse will occur somewhere in the world. That’s your pattern in lottery newsgroups and forums.
You are begging me for mercy now. Just jump back in that hole! Your cycle will end in the same place as Psychosama and Zamzalasheep — the iGraveyard of iPsychosis…
I just woke up and translate some document about system specific image quality matrices. What the hell are you muttering about yourself? Too many Zoombie movies you have watched?
Ion Saliu
2017-08-26 14:45:11 UTC
On Friday, August 25, 2017 at 6:32:15 PM UTC-4,
Driveling Yak 驅動犛牛 (aka Nan) wrote:
“Since I am sure 24 numbers wont have 6 winning numbers”

Now you picked up something, Driveling Yak 驅動犛牛 ! That’s called ‘LIE Elimination strategy’ and it is present only in my lottery software.

Too bad you won’t have much time left. The PRC psychiatric honchos are going to throw you back in your zombie hole, alongside the likes of Psychosama and Zamzalasheep.

This link is for the honchos, as they will have time to study and apply my super lottery strategy:

“Lottery Strategy in Reverse: Not-to-Win Leads to Not-to-Lose or WIN”
2017-08-26 15:01:06 UTC
在 2017年8月26日星期六 UTC+8下午10:45:11,Ion Saliu写道:
Post by Ion Saliu
On Friday, August 25, 2017 at 6:32:15 PM UTC-4,
“Since I am sure 24 numbers wont have 6 winning numbers”
Now you picked up something, Driveling Yak 驅動犛牛 ! That’s called ‘LIE Elimination strategy’ and it is present only in my lottery software.
Too bad you won’t have much time left. The PRC psychiatric honchos are going to throw you back in your zombie hole, alongside the likes of Psychosama and Zamzalasheep.
“Lottery Strategy in Reverse: Not-to-Win Leads to Not-to-Lose or WIN”
Ok, you win. You never made any prediction in advance. And more importantly, be careful when you say something like those. You will surely get something back.

Ion Saliu
2017-08-26 15:11:58 UTC
On Saturday, August 26, 2017 at 11:01:06 AM UTC-4, Driveling Yak 驅動犛牛 (aka Nan) wrote:
“prediction in advance”

Madsos like you always do “prediction in the past“, Driveling Yak 驅動犛牛 ! That’s how they do “predictions” in places like LotteryPost.

The POSITIONAL SKIPS system presented here predicts with a high degree of certainty and beats any lottery, anytime. The future in any lotto game will be exactly as it is in the reports (the past). The strategy comes to fruition anywhere, anytime.

“Lottery Systems on Skips Greatly Improve Lotto Jackpot Chances”

(Low Lottery Skips Tremendously Increase Chance to Win Lotto Jackpot)
Ion Saliu
2017-09-02 17:47:24 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
The skips are highly prized tools in the toolsets of all lottery players. The lotto skips have been around since the inception of system-based lottery play.
All skip systems out there will never hit '6 of 6' — if applied from draw to draw. It might hit '3 of 6' now and then — but that's not nearly enough. Such skips system might win '6 of 6' if played unchanged for dozens of consecutive lotto drawings. It is what I call 'cycle of fruition'.
Parpaluck came up with the most efficient lotto skip systems by applying the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG). The key parameter is the Degree of Certainty DC. Creating systems based on skips equal to or under DC = 75% increases the frequency of jackpot wins dramatically.
Lottery strategies based on low skips, or missed draws between hits, or gaps between wins, increase the chance of winning lotto jackpots by orders of magnitude: around 15% jackpots. Meanwhile, none of the 1000 lottery drawings analyzed in Pennsylvania Lottery had all skips in double digits. In the majority of cases, there are no more than 3 or 4 skips in double digits per draw. Evidently, not all lottery numbers are created equal!
A serious problem with all lotto skip systems is the large amount of combinations to play. But there is good news. The raw output file generated by a skip lottery system contains many unnecessary combinations. For example, it is very unlikely that all skips will be equal to 1; or all equal to 2; or the skip string will be 1 1 1 2 2 2; or the skips will be 1 2 3 4 5 6 or 6 5 4 3 2 1; etc.
(Skips Systems Software for Lottery, Lotto, Gambling, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions)
(Low Lottery Skips Dramatically Increase Chance to Win Lotto Jackpot)
Peace and good fortune be with you!
Ion Saliu
Founder of Lottery Mathematics
Founder of Lotto Software Science
Upgrade to the Skip System Software

SkipSystem was greatly upgraded: version 11.0, September 2, 2017.

The user can now create a POSITIONAL system based on values of his/her choosing. The positional skip systems hit with a higher frequency.

Go to:

Updates, Upgrades to the Best Software for Pick (Digit) Lottery, Gambling, Lotto, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Keno, Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, Horse Racing, Sports Betting, Probability, Odds, Statistics, Combinatorial Mathematics, Lexicographical Ordering, Random Generators
Ion Saliu
2017-12-12 20:07:38 UTC
Post by Ion Saliu
Upgrade to the Skip System Software
SkipSystem was greatly upgraded: version 11.0, September 2, 2017.
The user can now create a POSITIONAL system based on values of his/her choosing. The positional skip systems hit with a higher frequency.
Updates, Upgrades to the Best Software for Pick (Digit) Lottery, Gambling, Lotto, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Keno, Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, Horse Racing, Sports Betting, Probability, Odds, Statistics, Combinatorial Mathematics, Lexicographical Ordering, Random Generators
The theory of lottery strategies has come to full fruition. Both ‘static’ and ‘dynamic’ strategies are fully analyzed, including the ‘reversed lottery strategy’. The comprehensive analysis pairs each type of strategy with its specific lottery software application.

The 'good ol' skips' are still one of the most popular lotto strategies.

The Best Lottery Strategies: Foundation, Application of the Lotto Strategy Concept
Ion Saliu
2018-07-12 20:42:40 UTC
Post by Ion Saliu
Post by Ion Saliu
Upgrade to the Skip System Software
SkipSystem was greatly upgraded: version 11.0, September 2, 2017.
The user can now create a POSITIONAL system based on values of his/her choosing. The positional skip systems hit with a higher frequency.
Updates, Upgrades to the Best Software for Pick (Digit) Lottery, Gambling, Lotto, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Keno, Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, Horse Racing, Sports Betting, Probability, Odds, Statistics, Combinatorial Mathematics, Lexicographical Ordering, Random Generators
The theory of lottery strategies has come to full fruition. Both ‘static’ and ‘dynamic’ strategies are fully analyzed, including the ‘reversed lottery strategy’. The comprehensive analysis pairs each type of strategy with its specific lottery software application.
The 'good ol' skips' are still one of the most popular lotto strategies.
The Best Lottery Strategies: Foundation, Application of the Lotto Strategy Concept
Every drawing can be expressed in terms of lotto skips. For example, as in this real-life case:

* Lotto 6 / 49 Report: SKIPS (ANY Position & Vertical POS)
File: D6; Date: 06-19-2017
Line Any Any Any Any Any Any POT Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos COL
no 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Med. 5 5 5 5 4 5 17 10 17 21 21 17 9 64
Avg. 7 7 7 7 7 7 18 29 40 41 43 38 30 118
StDv. 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 94 116 84 98 104 111 208
1 12+ 5- 1- 1 17+ 4- 17- 12+ 5- 22- 104+ 146+ 236+ 236+
2 2+ 14- 2- 1 0- 22- 22- 2- 14- 30- 69+ 0- 25- 69-
3 1- 15+ 6+ 1+ 2- 26+ 26 22- 48+ 75+ 38+ 46+ 37- 75+
4 26+ 1 1- 0- 7+ 7- 26+ 26- 5- 1- 0- 40+ 38+ 40-
5 6+ 1- 2- 2 0- 21- 21- 41+ 22+ 7- 16+ 0- 21- 41-

• Translation: The string 12-5-1-1-17-4 —

• 1st number in the respective drawing skipped 12 draws
• 2nd number skipped 5 draws
• 3rd number skipped 1 draw (i.e. came out 2 drawings back)
• 4th number skipped 1 draw
• 5th number skipped 17 draws
• 6th number skipped 4 draws.

The following lotto-skip string occurred 1000 drawings back: 13-7-3-11-3-3. We count on it repeating reasonably soon. 100 6/49 lotto combinations were randomly selected from the total output of 125,842 combinations.

• Software for this test: SkipDecaFreq6.exe (Bright/Ultimate software packages, menu II, function 'S = Skips, Decades, Frequencies'). Function in SkipDecaFreq6: 'L = Lexicographic Combinations', then the first screen of filter input (Any & Ver).

5 7 19 30 38 45
2 8 15 17 26 45
2 7 27 30 37 48
22 28 39 40 42 48
2 5 7 30 40 44
5 7 25 28 38 44
5 15 25 27 35 48
2 11 27 28 38 44
5 7 11 15 23 45
2 8 9 17 19 38
5 7 15 16 22 40
5 8 15 17 37 44
11 13 17 40 43 44
2 16 23 30 36 40
5 15 26 27 30 48
5 7 11 30 39 43
11 16 24 27 42 44
5 8 16 30 42 48
5 11 13 16 37 48
2 5 7 17 22 48
2 8 13 15 26 39
22 30 35 40 44 45
2 13 25 27 40 49
11 13 16 22 23 49
2 11 24 28 32 45
5 7 13 15 35 44
5 7 9 22 30 43
16 37 38 40 44 45
5 7 11 15 17 30
2 8 16 17 30 45
2 5 8 27 35 39
2 11 27 40 43 44
2 15 25 27 37 45
5 16 27 28 35 42
5 22 27 30 36 37
5 7 8 11 13 23
5 11 27 30 32 48
2 7 16 28 48 49
2 7 11 16 28 48
5 8 13 22 36 38
5 7 26 30 48 49
2 7 9 15 16 42
15 17 28 40 43 49
2 7 23 28 30 44
2 13 15 22 39 40
5 13 19 22 37 48
2 7 9 17 30 44
5 11 40 44 45 48
5 8 19 22 27 45
5 8 23 28 32 36
2 8 11 22 28 39
5 8 9 11 30 49
2 16 25 30 43 45
2 8 22 30 43 48
5 25 28 30 35 45
5 15 25 30 35 43
2 17 19 30 35 39
5 7 22 30 38 42
2 8 16 28 37 40
11 15 19 27 40 49
2 7 9 30 37 38
11 16 25 27 39 44
11 17 26 30 35 36
2 8 26 27 37 44
15 25 27 28 39 48
2 5 9 16 27 38
5 13 17 27 43 44
2 7 15 22 26 49
5 13 25 28 37 40
11 13 15 16 32 39
2 7 9 15 17 25
5 17 25 27 36 44
5 8 25 30 45 49
5 15 27 30 43 48
2 22 26 28 35 48
2 7 23 30 43 45
5 13 15 22 38 45
5 7 16 30 32 38
5 8 9 22 26 35
15 17 19 27 30 45
5 16 17 28 39 43
5 7 27 28 32 43
2 5 8 15 23 27
11 13 26 40 44 49
2 15 22 28 36 37
15 17 26 30 35 49
5 15 22 30 45 48
5 11 16 17 48 49
5 17 25 30 37 40
16 17 23 28 37 42
5 7 8 11 22 25
2 5 26 27 36 40
2 5 24 27 28 42
2 8 11 16 26 28
16 22 25 30 48 49
2 8 16 17 24 40
2 16 25 30 37 40
2 8 19 22 42 45
11 16 26 28 44 48
2 13 36 40 45 49

Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Skips, Frequency, Odd/Even, Low/High, Increase/Decrease

Lottery Strategy, Systems, Software Based on Lotto Number Frequency

Theory of Skips: Gambling, Lottery, Software, Strategies, Systems Based on Skips
Ion Saliu
2023-04-11 11:00:42 UTC
Post by Ion Saliu
Post by Ion Saliu
Post by Ion Saliu
Upgrade to the Skip System Software
SkipSystem was greatly upgraded: version 11.0, September 2, 2017.
The user can now create a POSITIONAL system based on values of his/her choosing. The positional skip systems hit with a higher frequency.
Updates, Upgrades to the Best Software for Pick (Digit) Lottery, Gambling, Lotto, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Keno, Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, Horse Racing, Sports Betting, Probability, Odds, Statistics, Combinatorial Mathematics, Lexicographical Ordering, Random Generators
The theory of lottery strategies has come to full fruition. Both ‘static’ and ‘dynamic’ strategies are fully analyzed, including the ‘reversed lottery strategy’. The comprehensive analysis pairs each type of strategy with its specific lottery software application.
The 'good ol' skips' are still one of the most popular lotto strategies.
The Best Lottery Strategies: Foundation, Application of the Lotto Strategy Concept
* Lotto 6 / 49 Report: SKIPS (ANY Position & Vertical POS)
File: D6; Date: 06-19-2017
Line Any Any Any Any Any Any POT Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos COL
no 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Med. 5 5 5 5 4 5 17 10 17 21 21 17 9 64
Avg. 7 7 7 7 7 7 18 29 40 41 43 38 30 118
StDv. 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 94 116 84 98 104 111 208
1 12+ 5- 1- 1 17+ 4- 17- 12+ 5- 22- 104+ 146+ 236+ 236+
2 2+ 14- 2- 1 0- 22- 22- 2- 14- 30- 69+ 0- 25- 69-
3 1- 15+ 6+ 1+ 2- 26+ 26 22- 48+ 75+ 38+ 46+ 37- 75+
4 26+ 1 1- 0- 7+ 7- 26+ 26- 5- 1- 0- 40+ 38+ 40-
5 6+ 1- 2- 2 0- 21- 21- 41+ 22+ 7- 16+ 0- 21- 41-
• Translation: The string 12-5-1-1-17-4 —
• 1st number in the respective drawing skipped 12 draws
• 2nd number skipped 5 draws
• 3rd number skipped 1 draw (i.e. came out 2 drawings back)
• 4th number skipped 1 draw
• 5th number skipped 17 draws
• 6th number skipped 4 draws.
The following lotto-skip string occurred 1000 drawings back: 13-7-3-11-3-3. We count on it repeating reasonably soon. 100 6/49 lotto combinations were randomly selected from the total output of 125,842 combinations.
• Software for this test: SkipDecaFreq6.exe (Bright/Ultimate software packages, menu II, function 'S = Skips, Decades, Frequencies'). Function in SkipDecaFreq6: 'L = Lexicographic Combinations', then the first screen of filter input (Any & Ver).
5 7 19 30 38 45
2 8 15 17 26 45
2 7 27 30 37 48
22 28 39 40 42 48
2 5 7 30 40 44
5 7 25 28 38 44
5 15 25 27 35 48
2 11 27 28 38 44
5 7 11 15 23 45
2 8 9 17 19 38
5 7 15 16 22 40
5 8 15 17 37 44
11 13 17 40 43 44
2 16 23 30 36 40
5 15 26 27 30 48
5 7 11 30 39 43
11 16 24 27 42 44
5 8 16 30 42 48
5 11 13 16 37 48
2 5 7 17 22 48
2 8 13 15 26 39
22 30 35 40 44 45
2 13 25 27 40 49
11 13 16 22 23 49
2 11 24 28 32 45
5 7 13 15 35 44
5 7 9 22 30 43
16 37 38 40 44 45
5 7 11 15 17 30
2 8 16 17 30 45
2 5 8 27 35 39
2 11 27 40 43 44
2 15 25 27 37 45
5 16 27 28 35 42
5 22 27 30 36 37
5 7 8 11 13 23
5 11 27 30 32 48
2 7 16 28 48 49
2 7 11 16 28 48
5 8 13 22 36 38
5 7 26 30 48 49
2 7 9 15 16 42
15 17 28 40 43 49
2 7 23 28 30 44
2 13 15 22 39 40
5 13 19 22 37 48
2 7 9 17 30 44
5 11 40 44 45 48
5 8 19 22 27 45
5 8 23 28 32 36
2 8 11 22 28 39
5 8 9 11 30 49
2 16 25 30 43 45
2 8 22 30 43 48
5 25 28 30 35 45
5 15 25 30 35 43
2 17 19 30 35 39
5 7 22 30 38 42
2 8 16 28 37 40
11 15 19 27 40 49
2 7 9 30 37 38
11 16 25 27 39 44
11 17 26 30 35 36
2 8 26 27 37 44
15 25 27 28 39 48
2 5 9 16 27 38
5 13 17 27 43 44
2 7 15 22 26 49
5 13 25 28 37 40
11 13 15 16 32 39
2 7 9 15 17 25
5 17 25 27 36 44
5 8 25 30 45 49
5 15 27 30 43 48
2 22 26 28 35 48
2 7 23 30 43 45
5 13 15 22 38 45
5 7 16 30 32 38
5 8 9 22 26 35
15 17 19 27 30 45
5 16 17 28 39 43
5 7 27 28 32 43
2 5 8 15 23 27
11 13 26 40 44 49
2 15 22 28 36 37
15 17 26 30 35 49
5 15 22 30 45 48
5 11 16 17 48 49
5 17 25 30 37 40
16 17 23 28 37 42
5 7 8 11 22 25
2 5 26 27 36 40
2 5 24 27 28 42
2 8 11 16 26 28
16 22 25 30 48 49
2 8 16 17 24 40
2 16 25 30 37 40
2 8 19 22 42 45
11 16 26 28 44 48
2 13 36 40 45 49
Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Skips, Frequency, Odd/Even, Low/High, Increase/Decrease
Lottery Strategy, Systems, Software Based on Lotto Number Frequency
Theory of Skips: Gambling, Lottery, Software, Strategies, Systems Based on Skips
• There is a new useful feature for reading the Usenet posts in Google Groups. The vast majority of newsgroup members use GROUPS.GOOGLE.COM to post and read on the Internet pioneering service, Usenet.

One drawback of the Google service, very useful otherwise, is the default font. It is a proportional font (of variable-width, that is). However, initially Usenet was written and shown in a monospace font.

Many of the statistical reports I posted did not show up in an acceptable format. The original format was in the typewriter format 9the Courier font). I shall inventory the most important posts in this newsgroup and refer the readers to this important thread. Viewing will be better off overall.

It is quite easy and simple to add this useful feature to two of your browsers: Chrome and Firefox. Just read this axiomatic thread:

• https://groups.google.com/g/rec.gambling.lottery/c/xj1oUsXz5oo?hl=en
• Usenet Redivivus! Best Post Viewing in Google Groups

Ion Saliu
2018-10-12 17:29:45 UTC
There is another method of generating combinations based on 'skips'. Software apps used: SkipSystem.exe and Range6.exe. SkipSystem creates the skip systems; we apply the more efficient 'positional systems'. Range6 generates random combinations 'position by position' from the skip systems.

• An amount of 25 lotto combinations was selected (with most repeats).

1 3 34 35 40 41
1 5 24 34 36 41
1 31 32 41 42 47
2 12 24 41 43 47
2 12 25 38 40 49
3 26 32 33 37 39
3 26 32 34 36 46
4 14 32 38 39 42
7 21 24 30 36 49
10 31 32 41 42 47
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2020-02-22 11:10:05 UTC
Crackpot lotteries use more than one machine and ballsets so u can never track anything to find patterns fool
2020-02-22 12:06:49 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Crackpot lotteries use more than one machine and ballsets so u can never track anything to find patterns fool

Ion Saliu
2020-06-14 15:06:11 UTC
You can get lost easily in public forums like this Usenet group. THERE ARE WAY TOO MANY POSTS!!! The overwhelming proportion of such “scribbles” are nothing more or above garbage, nonsense, one-liner bullshitting, fights, controversies… or a few cryptic numbers meant to “beat” the lottery!

To solve the problem, I created a thread referring to the most relevant articles, materials, debates, systems, fights, etc. I keep it updated and make sure it shows at the top of this Google group:

• https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!topic/rec.gambling.lottery/TztssQOdv9M
• The Best RGL Posts, Contents: Lottery, Strategies, Systems, Software.

Ion Saliu (royalty-name: Parpaluck),
Founder of Lottery Mathematics
Founder of Lotto Programming Science

• https://saliu.com/lottery.html
• The Lottery: Mathematics, Social Purpose, History, Software Science, Systems.