Filter Fans F*ck*d Again
(too old to reply)
2010-01-31 11:37:41 UTC
Ontario 6/49 draw yesterday: 1,4,5,6,11,15 bonus 21

Evil Nigel
2010-01-31 17:48:21 UTC
Post by nigel
Ontario 6/49 draw yesterday: 1,4,5,6,11,15 bonus 21
Evil Nigel

Readers here might have the impression that you are the godfather of
the world lotteries! You can do what you pahleeze! You can create
fuqed-filter-player scenarios one draw after another! Yesterday Hong
Kong, today Canada, tomorrow UK, the day after that lottery…who knows…
Down Under…

This time, the all-low scenario happened in Ontario: 1, 4, 5, 6, 11,

The same type of lottery software I created can handle, among other
chores, the low/high filtering. The lotto-6 is handled by a big
program named SkipDecaFreq6.exe (part of the integrated Bright6.exe).
The all-low case you refer to is handled by the filter string
1-1-1-1-1-1 in the ‘Low-High’ section. The all-high case would be
handled by 2-2-2-2-2-2.

Very importantly, the program can generate a faring-in-the-past report
before generating lotto combosnations.

These are STATIC filters. They always generate the same amount of
combosnations and the same lotto combosnations. Purging such output
files is a must. The only way is purging by enabling DYNAMIC filters
in other lotto programs I created (in Bright6.exe or ‘MDIEditor And
Lotto WE’).

By the way, my book is on a special fast-track publishing procedure
right now. The book offers, for the first time, a manual of using my
lottery and gambling software.

Ion Saliu
Infiltrator At-Large
Colin Fairbrother
2010-01-31 23:52:52 UTC
Post by Parpaluck
Post by nigel
Ontario 6/49 draw yesterday: 1,4,5,6,11,15 bonus 21
Evil Nigel
Readers here might have the impression that you are the godfather of
the world lotteries! You can do what you pahleeze! You can create
fuqed-filter-player scenarios one draw after another! Yesterday Hong
Kong, today Canada, tomorrow UK, the day after that lottery…who knows…
Down Under…
This time, the all-low scenario happened in Ontario: 1, 4, 5, 6, 11,
The same type of lottery software I created can handle, among other
chores, the low/high filtering. The lotto-6 is handled by a big
program named SkipDecaFreq6.exe (part of the integrated Bright6.exe).
The all-low case you refer to is handled by the filter string
1-1-1-1-1-1 in the ‘Low-High’ section. The all-high case would be
handled by 2-2-2-2-2-2.
Very importantly, the program can generate a faring-in-the-past report
before generating lotto combosnations.
These are STATIC  filters. They always generate the same amount of
combosnations and the same lotto combosnations. Purging such output
files is a must. The only way is purging by enabling DYNAMIC filters
in other lotto programs I created (in Bright6.exe or ‘MDIEditor And
Lotto WE’).
By the way, my book is on a special fast-track publishing procedure
right now. The book offers, for the first time, a manual of using my
lottery and gambling software.
Ion Saliu
Infiltrator At-Largehttp://saliu.com/filters.html
You.re looking for gullible people. Wrong place. They're not here. How
desperate can you be.

Time and again you've demon stated your programming naivety and your
lack of Cover knowledge. Your 412 lines produced through mucking
around with random selections when the equivalent can be done in
CoverMaster in a few minutes!

Still living in a fools paradise where you think past draws have some
influence on future ones. Just an occultist and numerologist at heart
aren't you Ion?

You're not fooling anyone but yourself and all the abuse, cat calling,
bluff and buffoonery can't change that.

Such a disappointment to your parents little Ion.

Colin Fairbrother

ps What you think passes for humor is really the pathetic outpourings
of a sick, demented mind that never raises even the mildest hint of a
Mona Lisa smile.from anyone other than yourself.
2010-02-01 01:00:48 UTC
On Jan 31, 6:52 pm, Colin Fairbrother <***@gmail.com>

““Because I'm an honest person I am not flummoxed by accusations of
posting fictitious data. The egg was well and truly on the face of
those who thought my 307, 210 and 177 lines were fictitious…”
Colin Fairbrother
http://Lotto compost.cum”

Netflix offers me the opportunity to watch great films. I mean, works
of the seventh art, as real cinematography is. I watched again, after
years, creations of a great cinematographic period known as the
Italian Neo-realism. Films by great masters: Federico Fellini (the
greatest filmmaker in history, in my screenplay), Michelangelo
Antonioni, Vittorio De Sica. It just happened that I watched Fellini’s
‘Amarcord’ the other day. I couldn’t help but make an association with
this poor madman here, F-coli.

In ‘Amarcord’ (placed during Mussolini’s fascist Italy), a family
takes home a member confined in a mental institution. The family takes
the poor soul to their farm to enjoy a few hours in freedom. They have
a nice picnic. Good food and good wine. The family leaves the mad
member alone for just a few minutes. The cuckoo climbs an olive tree
immediately. His pockets were full of stones. He explained to the
family that he loved to pick up stones because of their beauty! The
cuckoo was standing up in the tree and shouting:

“I want a woman!”

Very similarly, this psycho here, F-coli climbed a cyber tree and
keeps shouting:

“I want a wheel!”

The family in ‘Amarcord’ tried to bring the cuckoo down. The madman,
however, “knew” exactly why he had filled his pockets with stones! He
would hit precisely in the head each and every one who tried to bring
him down from the tree! It was late at night when the family appealed
for the help of the hospice. The cuckoo was still standing in the tree
but his voice was extinguished. He could only murmur:

“I want a woman!”

Very similarly, this psycho here, F-coli only whispers now:

“I want a wheel!”

The hospital had a dwarf nun who knew how to handle the cuckoo. She
climbed a ladder shouting to the cuckoo to come down at once. Indeed,
the cuckoo descended the ladder in a hurry! He looked really afraid of
the dwarf nun. He explained his act as he wanted to see a distant
palace again!

I dunno if we can find a “dwarf nun” around here to tame (and possibly
cure) this cuckoo, F-coli. Is it possible that a “dwarf nan” will do?
A nanomind nun? Perhaps, someone would be willing to email F-coli a
group of 307 lotto-6 combinations. Tell him that that is F-coli’s own
“creation”: the tightest non-split lotto wheel ‘3 of 6 from 49’.

Finally, we might see him post a wheel in the same thread started by
Gary. In that thread, F-coli only begs Manfred to email to F-coli his
308-line wheel. Of course, the normal person Manfred only posted his
wheel and added that he already had an improved 307-line wheel. F-coli
took it as the Bible and touted that the 307-line wheel was F-coli’s
"creation"! Now, that’s a most advanced form of insanity
(hallucinatory schizophrenia).

The cuckoo in the olive tree keeps shouting “I want a wheel!” The
wheels in this “tree” (thread, that is) are, in order of appearance:
Ga’s, Or’s, Ar’s, Ge’s, Pe’s, Ra’s, and Ma’s. No F-coli’s whatsoever…

We can only imagine how many emails F-coli bombarded Manfred with,
begging for that 307-line lotto wheel! Of course, Ma is a sane person.
Why would he give away his real creation? Just to save a psychopath?
That’s a job for the psychiatrists…

Does anyone know of a dwarf nun or dwarf nan who can use lottery
software (in addition to reciting the Bible)?

Ion Saliu
Film Critic At-Large
Colin Fairbrother
2010-02-01 01:47:49 UTC
Get CoverMaster from here Mr Ion Saliu -

You desperately need it.

Colin Fairbrother
2010-02-01 01:52:51 UTC
Get CoverMaster from here Mr Ion Saliu -http://groups.google.com/group/lottogroup/web/manually-constructing-a...
You desperately need it.
Colin Fairbrother
You yet again Colin are building a case however it will be knocked


As shown,
Stig Holmquist
2010-02-01 14:19:47 UTC
On Sun, 31 Jan 2010 17:47:49 -0800 (PST), Colin Fairbrother
Post by Colin Fairbrother
Get CoverMaster from here Mr Ion Saliu -
You desperately need it.
Colin Fairbrother
I too need it. How may I print it? I get only one page.

Stig Holmqist
Jack Ricci
2010-02-01 03:34:06 UTC
Post by Parpaluck
Post by nigel
Ontario 6/49 draw yesterday: 1,4,5,6,11,15 bonus 21
Evil Nigel
Readers here might have the impression that you are the godfather of
the world lotteries! You can do what you pahleeze! You can create
fuqed-filter-player scenarios one draw after another! Yesterday Hong
Kong, today Canada, tomorrow UK, the day after that lottery…who knows…
Down Under…
This time, the all-low scenario happened in Ontario: 1, 4, 5, 6, 11,
The same type of lottery software I created can handle, among other
chores, the low/high filtering. The lotto-6 is handled by a big
program named SkipDecaFreq6.exe (part of the integrated Bright6.exe).
The all-low case you refer to is handled by the filter string
1-1-1-1-1-1 in the ‘Low-High’ section. The all-high case would be
handled by 2-2-2-2-2-2.
Very importantly, the program can generate a faring-in-the-past report
before generating lotto combosnations.
These are STATIC filters. They always generate the same amount of
combosnations and the same lotto combosnations. Purging such output
files is a must. The only way is purging by enabling DYNAMIC filters
in other lotto programs I created (in Bright6.exe or ‘MDIEditor And
Lotto WE’).
By the way, my book is on a special fast-track publishing procedure
right now. The book offers, for the first time, a manual of using my
lottery and gambling software.
Ion Saliu
Infiltrator At-Largehttp://saliu.com/filters.html
You.re looking for gullible people. Wrong place. They're not here. How
desperate can you be.

Time and again you've demon stated your programming naivety and your
lack of Cover knowledge. Your 412 lines produced through mucking
around with random selections when the equivalent can be done in
CoverMaster in a few minutes!

Still living in a fools paradise where you think past draws have some
influence on future ones. Just an occultist and numerologist at heart
aren't you Ion?

You're not fooling anyone but yourself and all the abuse, cat calling,
bluff and buffoonery can't change that.

Such a disappointment to your parents little Ion.

Colin Fairbrother

ps What you think passes for humor is really the pathetic outpourings
of a sick, demented mind that never raises even the mildest hint of a
Mona Lisa smile.from anyone other than yourself.


Personally, I can see the humour in most RGL posts...I smile and giggle a

2010-02-01 11:21:21 UTC
Post by Jack Ricci
Personally, I can see the humour in most RGL posts...I smile and
giggle a lottery...
I liked the thread on lingerie lottoistics. Next time I'm buying
scanties for my gf I'll download combinations.exe to check the bra and
panties match.

Evil Nigel
Jack Ricci
2010-02-01 03:30:34 UTC
"Parpaluck" <***@saliu.com> wrote in message news:281d37b9-673a-4773-a48d-***@l3g2000vbp.googlegroups.com...
On Jan 31, 6:37 am, nigel <***@nospam.com> wrote:

Very importantly, the program can generate a faring-in-the-past report
before generating lotto combosnations.

These are STATIC filters. They always generate the same amount of
combosnations and the same lotto combosnations.

Ion Saliu
Infiltrator At-Large


I just gotta ask you, Parpy...Whatdahell is a combosnation? Have all the
North American Indian Tribes banded together to form a new, powerful,
unionized CombosNation?

LottoHackJack :)
2010-02-01 21:12:24 UTC
Post by Parpaluck
Very importantly, the program can generate a faring-in-the-past report
before generating lotto combosnations.
These are STATIC  filters. They always generate the same amount of
combosnations and the same lotto combosnations.
Ion Saliu
Infiltrator At-Largehttp://saliu.com/filters.html
   I just gotta ask you, Parpy...Whatdahell is a combosnation? Have all the
North American Indian Tribes banded together to form a new, powerful,
unionized CombosNation?
LottoHackJack   :)
More attention required, Icirc!

Singular: Combonation
Plural: Combosnations.

The Indian tribes might have been interested in licensing my term
Combosnations for gambling purposes. As you know, they are very
successful at running casinos. They might have been willing to name
their casino trade association “The Gambling CombosNations of

(sounds more like Papara from Paparazzo in “La Dolce Vita”)

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